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Brilliant review of Ayon CD-35 II

Ayon CD-35 II: My new reference!

Ever since I became an audiophile I have been searching for a CD player capable of moving my soul, capable of delivering a high-fidelity experience without (of very few of) the negative aspects of digital playback... I think I finally found it!

Screenshot from ANA[DIA]LOG video review of Ayon CD-35 II

Watch the Ayon CD-35 review by ANA[DIA]LOG on YouTube.


In the channel we focus on how to obtain the best sound out of your hi-fi system, discuss about vinyl records, reel to reel tapes, cassette tapes, shellac, audiophile recordings as well as turntables, tape players and recorders, portable gear, cables and about the different tools, secrets and tips to obtain the true high fidelity sound we are all looking for....join and subscribe!


