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You'll find the latest news, reviews and awards below. Select a tag from the list below the latest awards to filter by your favourite brand.

Thales TTT-Compact II Turntable and Simplicity II Tonearm review by The Audio Beat

"... its compact musical presentation could well form the basis of a long-lasting audio association, a compact indeed."

Audionet SAM 20 SE review by Stereo

The best ever SAM - Audionet celebrates the birthday of its long-running amplifi er hit with a strictly limited special edition that takes the potential of the design to a new level.

Ypsilon Phaethon Review by Zeus

"...divine creations, which are currently emerging in Greece, point far beyond our present time again."

Ypsilon Aelius II Review by Stereophile

"...compared to the darTZeels', the Ypsilons' images were somewhat more gracefully rounded, more three-dimensional, and texturally more supple."

Thales factory tour by Roy Gregory

...besides the sheer musical satisfaction it delivered, one other thing stuck in my mind: the abiding memory of the silky-smooth operation of the Simplicity II. Every time I changed a record it was impossible not to marvel at the precision...

Thales TTT Compact II and Simplicity II review by Positive Feedback

"From time to time, an item is plucked from the mildewed bins of analog history by one of the reissue houses. Occasionally the dredging action strikes gold..."

Ypsilon VPS-100 Phono Review by Positive Feedback

"As a total package, the Ypsilon VPS 100 Phono Stage offers the finest, most satisfying, analog playback I've heard to date."

Ypsilon CDT-100 Review by Audio Esoterica

The CDT-100 pulls the low-level micro-detail and resolves information from the CD in a way that sounds thoroughly natural...


Audionet Gold Award - AV Showrooms 2017

Audionet Gold Show Award (Best Sound)

Gold Show Award for the best sound at AV Showrooms Capital Audiofest

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Audionet PFO Brutus Award 2014

Audionet PFO Audio Oasis Award (MAX Monoblock Amplifier)

Audio Oasis Award for MAX Monoblock Amplifier at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest

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Audionet Audio Oasis award - AXPONA 2018

Audio Oasis Award

Audionet receives Audio Oasis Award at AXPONA 2018

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